Captioning Request

Video courses recorded in Mediasite are eligible for UFIT captioning. Requests should be submitted a minimum to two weeks prior to the start of the semester.

Centrally Funded Captioning Requirements


  • On-Demand registered video captioning requests through the Disability Resource Center
  • Distance Sections, 80% or more online (as designated by the delivery method indicator in the registrar data) General Education courses, high enrollment with reusable video, undergraduate, OR external vendor content.

Not Eligible

  • Recordedface to face classes (lecture-capture, without a Distance Course Section)
  • Self-funded sections
  • Courses not funded will be eligible for UF Pricing through an Administrative Captioning Office.


  • For those courses that are less than 80% online, waivers are available in certain circumstances and based on the availability of funds.

"Courses with a student wishing to register with the Disability Resource Center for
captioning needs should contact Sam Strickland, AT Accessibility Specialist,

Captioning Request Form