Closed Captioning Videos

Closed Captioning provides students with text versions of audio content that is synchronized with the video. Videos that are added to your course should include captioning, preferably with an interactive transcript in an accessible media player. By doing so, the videos are accessible to students who are deaf or hard of hearing, non-native English speakers, as well as any student who wants to search the content of the video or learn the spelling of technical terminology. 


Adding captions to videos in Canvas

Canvas is the primary LMS used by the University of Florida. It includes a new page design where you can create and upload captioned files when you add video content to the Rich Content Editor. Follow the Canvas Video Caption Tutorial on how to caption videos. 


Adding captions to YouTube videos

YouTube is one of the most commonly used video content systems. However, many videos do not have captions or transcripts. While YouTube offers the ability to caption videos as a part of their service, the captioning is often inaccurate and unreliable. Therefore, prior to uploading YouTube videos to your Canvas page, please ensure that they provide accurate captions. In addition, the university cannot caption content that they do not own the rights to, such as YouTube or textbook supported videos that are not owned by you or the university.